Reflective Journeys

The work Catherine did with the Reflective Journey with a group of CEO’s was engaging and powerful. The session was skilfully facilitated and this resulted in a deeply reflective experience for those involved.
— Diocesan Advisor

Do you ask yourself 

  • Why am I doing what I am doing? 

  • What fight am I in? 

  • Who am I?

  • Do you feel like you never have time to stop, pause and reflect on the direction you are going in life or work? 

Reflective Journeys for Leaders

When you lead you reveal something of who you are. Using stillness and contemplative exercises, a Reflective Journey can help you contend with who you are, who you are becoming and what matters most to you. As a result you lead from your authentic self.

Reflective Journeys for Teams

Effective leaders inspire and build cultures where others work and live from their authentic selves. This means creating space for your team to explore who they are, who they are becoming, what they want and how they will get there. 

Using a custom designed reflective and interactive indoor coaching walking exercise for your team, you can help them do just that.

Added to this when a team member connects who they are with the identity of the organisation or the change that’s needed, this can lead to an increased sense of belonging and commitment to the vision. As a result they work from their best self and can increase impact for the organisation.

Combine my Training, Coaching and Reflective Journeys to improve communication, impact and a sense of purpose. Creating a culture that is truly authentic, leading to greater personal and organisational growth, so your vision for children has the greatest impact.

“As a team we emerged feeling hopeful, optimistic about the organisations future and our part in helping it fulfil its vision. From my perspective as a leader, giving each team member a chance to reflect on their individual place in the team as part of their overall life journey was so valuable as it seems to have increased individual resolve and enhanced team cohesion. Highly recommend it for all teams engaging in a challenging mission!”

Eli Gardner, Co founder and Executive Director - Kids Matter